Winter Sun


Winter Sun

A special, meditative musical flow arises between three musicians at a lovely concert hall
by the sea

Palle Mikkelborg, trumpet
Michael Riessler, bass clarinet
Wayne Siegel, motion-tracking system

Winter Sun ©Mikkelborg, Riessler, Siegel, 2023
The melody Sig nærmer tiden [The Time Approaches] quoted in Winter Sun was composed
by Oluf Ring in1922

Recorded, mixed and edited by Wayne Siegel
Recorded at the Louisiana Concert Hall on November 13th, 2023

Filmed, edited and directed by Stephan Aubé
upon an original idea by Lars Fenger
with the kind participation of Daniel Evron
AV coordinator Ole Frederiksen & Morten L. Jensen
produced by Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
artistic producer Lars Fenger
filmed and recorded at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Recorded at the Louisiana Concert Hall on November 13th, 2023

©Louisiana Museum of Modern Art 2024

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