Honegger · Sonata for violin and cello

Honegger · Sonata for violin and cello

Honegger · Sonata for violin and cello

Watch the violinist Karen Gomyo and the cellist Christian Poltéra playing this Allegro from the Honegger' Sonata for violin and cello

Arthur Honegger 1892-1955
Sonata for violin and cello · Allegro

Karen Gomyo, violin
Christian Poltéra, cello

directed by Stéphan Aubé
camera · Franck Tusolini and Stéphan Aubé
sound · Mikkel Nymand | TimbreMusic
montage · Janine Dauterich

artistic producer · Lars Fenger
production assistant · Sonja Strange

filmed at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

© Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

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